A must for all lovers of French chanson!

Following the death of Georges Boulard, creator of the Georges Brassens Festival, the festival came to a halt... A small group of passionate artists and festival-goers refused to let the festival go. So they set up the association "Les Z'enfants de Brassens" and embarked on the adventure... That's how the Brassens Festival on the new stage came into being!

The Festival will take place from April 27 to May 1, 2024, and will be opened by the godfather of this new edition: Yves Jamait!

An atmosphere of conviviality and sharing - guaranteed happiness!
The Festival des Z 'Enfants de Brassens in Vaison-la-Romaine is much more than just a musical event. It's a lively celebration of art, culture and the French language, bringing together all generations.

The shows take place at the Hameau des Oliviers - village vacances Léo Lagrange.

Saturday 27/04:
9pm: opening with Yves Jamait solo **COMPLET**.
sunday 28/04 :
- 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.: authors' and illustrators' forum
around Brassens
- Co-headlining concerts :
. 2:30 p.m.: Cheval 2 Trois 'La vie qui chante' .
. 3.45pm: Héran 'Brassinade' .
- Co-headlining concerts :
. 9pm: Marion Cousineau 'Nuances' .
. 22h15: Jérémie Bossone
lundi 29/04 :
- à partir de 11h30 : balade enchantée dans les
collines vaisonnaises animée par Alain Leju avec ses
déclamations poétiques puis pique-nique
- Concerts en co-plateau :
. 21h : Nicolas Bacchus
. 22h15 : Joce Ballerat 'Avec ou Sans'
mardi 30/04 :
- Concerts
. 14h30 : 1ère partie Jean-Marc Duchemin
. 15h30 : Michel Avallone et Stéphanie Meyer-Zikri
'un duo pour Brassens'
- 21 h : concert de clôture Christina Rosmini 'Inti'.
Marion Cousineau ©Marie Olivier
Jérémie Bossone
Nicolas Bacchus
Joce Ballerat
Michel Avallone et Stéphanie Meyer-Zikri
Christina Rosmini
Numerous workshops on music, songwriting, singing etc. are organized during the festival period. Don't hesitate to get in touch with the organizers to take part!